
Iconic Opening Title for New Line Cinema
In a film opening that became a cultural touchstone of design in the motion graphics industry, the sequence appears hand-made by Se7en's main character, serial killer John Doe. Directed by Kyle Cooper, filmed by Harris Savides, and cut by Angus Wall, this main title marked the creation of Imaginary Forces and the start of an era where people got excited about and really paid attention to main titles, giving us a glimpse of the potential in motion graphics as an art form.


what we did.

The end crawl to the film was handmade by Director Kyle Cooper, and ran backwards up the screen. After it's premiere, our studio got a lot of calls to mimic it's iconic look, and kicked off a phase of IF history where we were known as the "dark studio." Interestingly enough, if you look closely at the open you can see personal touches from each team member, film stills of their families, notes books from home and more.


  • director: kyle cooper
  • designer: kyle cooper, jenny chainin
  • executive producer: peter frankfurt
  • producer: stephen puri
  • coordinator: tim thompson