Animated Title Card: Ghosts Seasons 1–3 for CBS
I spy a title card that’ll have you seeing something different every time you watch it! We created a quirky and mysterious sequence for CBS’s comedy sitcom ‘Ghosts’, showing that spirits are upon us in the not-so-typical Bed & Breakfast.
what we did
For season 3, we strategically placed props as easter eggs to symbolize different traits of the ghostly characters in the show. Under the gaze of a taxidermy owl, we spy sweet treats, fine china, a rewards plaque, stuffed dino, all animated together to set the table for their third season. With only six seconds on the clock, we layered the sequence with a hauntingly light-hearted tune delivering a modern spin on a British original, you’ll want to watch before it disappears!
- creative director: anthony gibbs
- head of production: ryan burcham
- producer: keith bryant
- designer: isabell hacker
- animators: faraz abasi, james gardner
- compositor: faraz abasi
- coordinators: jake kirk, jackson kerr