Little Fires Everywhere
Main Title for Hulu
The main title sequence for Little Fires Everywhere depicts just what the name describes, little fires everywhere. We created a ballet of burning objects, tumbling, floating, and falling through the dark.
what we did
Using high-speed camera technology, we captured flames as they engulfed various objects from the show including bespoke props, key wardrobe pieces and finally a model cardboard house. The result was a cinematic sequence that speaks to the underlying motifs and major plot points without giving away the show’s secrets.
- director: karin fong
- producer: renee robson
- director of photography: jr kraus
- designers: katherine liang, isabell hacker
- editor: lexi gunvaldson
- flame artist: rod basham
- line producer: evan jones
- coordinators: jackson kerr, nicole gutzmann, max linnett
- head of production: melody alexander
- executive producer: wandie kabule